Hamburg Megaraid Vlog Part 5 - Operation Recollect

on 7:52 PM Kommentare (0)

New Vlog is out Faggots.

This time it is about an Operation we´d like to conduct for the Megaraid.

Operation Recollect.
The goal is to gather all the Anonymous made videos and package them into download libraries,
that will be published, when they have been sorted and labeled, after the Megaraid.
We hope that a lot of Anons show up and bring thier shit with them, or send it to us via our youtube channels so that we can merge it to a XBOX HUEGE collection.

To aviod epic failure like the recent festival of leaks, we have already collected nearly a thousand videos in advance before announcing the Operation.

Here is the Vlog

Megaraid Wallpaper Contest!

on 7:06 PM Kommentare (0)

There are only six week until the Megaraid, so it is time for a Megaraid Wallpaper Contest.

Contribution is easy, create a wallpaper with a resolution of 1600x1200 or 1920x1200 pixel with Anonymous and Megaraid related content and the Megaraid date.
Upload it to an imagehoster or the the German insurgency board on 888chan /ide/.

Post the link to your Wallpaper in the comments of this article.

Here a half-ass example:

We will publish the wallpapers by the end of next week here in our blog, and show the best ones during the Megaraid.

The Megaraid Logo in several versions, as well as the used fonts and Colors can be found here in our Megaraid CI Guide.

Hamburg Megaraid Vlog Part4 - Raid Schedule and Plans

on 1:22 AM Kommentare (0)

Hamburg Megaraid Vlog Part4 - Raid Schedule and Plans

This is what we have so far, if you´d like to know more check out our Megaraid blog:
Or read the Thread on

Rate and leave comments pl0x

Hamburg Megaraid Vlog Part3 - Transportation

on 8:45 PM Kommentare (0)

Our topic today Transportation to and in Hamburg.
chack out the thread on WWP for latest news:

or on irc
channle: #megaraid-hamburg
ssl-port: 6697