on 11:03 AM Kommentare (0)

Anonymous wünscht ein fr0hes Fest und ruhige Tage.
Anonymous wish a happy x-mas and holiday

bild-quelle: http://www.racheshop.de
Anonymous X-Mas Message to Scientology

Text in the video:
(german version is follow)
Anonymous sets the conditions for armistice.
Transcription: Hello Scientology, This is Anonymous.
Even though you abominate religion, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2010. This will be the year of your fate.
We offer you a proposal to contribute to your “ideal org” programm.
Many years ago you declared war on humanity almost two years ago we made our entry into this war.
As a result of our worldwide actions,
you are faced with fire in these upcoming months.
Australia burns with *** and in the United States you will be soon surrounded by the flames of truth.
In France you could hardly survive and in the german countries your first wrong move will lead to your ban.
It is time for a change!
In this war there is no way for you to withstand our might.
Whereas Anonymous deals justly, we give you a last chance to survive this war and stop your downfall.
You lie to your members, you put them under psychical pressure,
the things you offer them are not worth all the money and
the hours of work they sacrifice for you!
Your courses and your books are too ***, the e-meter is simpler,
easier and cheaper to build than a radio receiving device,
but it costs as much as a modern hi-fi television. You promise your members to improve all areas of their lives,
but they still get ill.
You promise your followers supernatural abilities, but the way on your bridge leads to somewhere else.
The only thing that you are doing successfully is, motivating your followers. They fight as bravely and altruisticly as the ‘mujahedin’ did.
Sadly they waste their energy for a lie. Each of your followers can find out by themselves that you are lieing.
They just need to wake up and open their eyes.
One of the things you tell the public is that there is no disconnection.
Many of your members know that this is wrong.
Their families miss them, at christmas there will be a free chair at the table.
One gift under the christmas tree will not be opened,
because you did not permit it.
You tell your followers that it is bad for their spiritual employment when they have contact to critical thinking people. The truth of the matter is that you fear them. You are afraid that they could open the eyes of your followers. Everybody who sees your wrong doings
in a clear light will not support you in any way.
These people will leave you, this is your fear and this is why you destroy their families.
This is why the anger of the world exists!
There is not one of your followers who received one of the promised supernatural abilities, but there are thousands that got poor because of you.
If they are wondering where the abilities are,
you tell them that their weaknesses supress those abilities.
To get rid of these weaknesses they have to pay more and more and more.
To avoid your members finding out that those abilities cannot be bought and cannot be achieved by following your way (your Tech),
you tell them to keep these things secret. However,
they will talk about it and they will ask questions.
They will find out that you betrayed them. This will be a hard time for them, we wish them all the best and we offer our help to them,
as we have helped many others
(come and visit us at whyweprotest.net or xenu.tv).
A lot of people fought for you with unbelievable energy,
they believed in you,
they sacrified money and work for you.
Yet there is no bounty, no one gets something back that is worth the sacrifices they made.
There is no noticeable objective on the bridge. We dont like this.
This is why we fight you and this is why you must fall.
Apart from items which have already been mentioned, you fulfill criminal acts of which we do not approve. You lie, steal, ***,
drive people to suicide and force others to abort their babies.
With your henchmen in the US-Government and Hollywood, you try to suppress the freedom of expression.
You blackmailed France and so you try to blackmail Germany over and over.
We are aware of your crimes against humanity.
And every day we bring them to light. You cannot hide.
You cannot escape. We are anonymous. We are everywhere.
You can survive this war, if you obey these articles: You change yourself from inside.
You perform a complete reform. You break from your criminal leaders.
You line up with the free ideologies that humanity owns.
You are allowed to still disseminate your doctrine,
if you grant freedom to all humans.
You support the individual fulfillment of your followers by providing reasonable prices.
You let people leave without pressure and complaints,
if they decide their way should be a different way.
You grant to every one of your branches the freedom to decide for its self its own fate.
You let your Orgs and Missions decide by themselves what to do with what they have earned.
You open yourself to the inner and the outer side. You provide honest information about your teachings.
You cancel all disconnect-commands and you let the families live together peacefully once again. You quit your Fair Game policy against critics and former members.
You stop your fraudulent offers of private coaching to our children.
You leave children on the whole planet in peace.
You release the 6 to 18 year old children and teenagers in your camps.
You pay the children that worked 16 to 20 hours every day in your camps and on your ships. You raise the entry age to 18.
You close your concentration camps on the whole planet.
You release the people and reimburse those who worked for you as slaves.
You mark all your products and sub organizations and make it visible for everybody with the label Scientology.
You delete the complete auditing files. You delete all data you collected concerning the private thoughts, sexual experiences and phantasies of your members.
You delete all data concerning the sphere of personal privacy of your members and everybody else.
You delete all data concerning critics and former members, collected by your secret service OSA.
You dissociate with all teachings of Hubbard that are against human rights.
You inform the world about the true life of Hubbard and about his death and the drugs in his body. You inform the world about Hubbard’s children and their relationship with their father.
You stop refusing to reveal your real teachings and aims.
You admit to the public, that you consider Tom Cruise and all other OTs are higher beings than Gautama Buddha, Muhammad and Jesus Christ.
You admit to the world and your members the true reason of your existence and you adhere to open the Xenu-Story.
You quit all doings against human rights.
You change all policies that aim to harm your members or to make them dependent on you or to exploit them.
You tell the world why humans had to die because of you and you name the responsible persons.
You stop forcing Sea Org or any other members of your cult to abort their babies.
You give reasonable compensation to your victims and their dependants.
You excuse yourself to everybody you harmed in any way inside and outside of your organisation.
You explain to the Governments of the world why you burgled their offices and why you have deleted files.
You renounce yourself from all thugs in your organisation.
You inform the world about all you crimes, albeit camoflauged or commited in the open.
You hand over all responsibles to the courts of the nations.
You inform the peoples why you aim for world domination.
You open and suspend your plans to destroy 2,5 percent of all human beings.
If you leave the humans in peace and freedom,
we will respect your existence.
Be aware, that this is your only chance to avoid your extinction. These proposals are our contribution to your ideal org programm.
Make the Orgs ideal by following these articles.
The only alternative is that we make your orgs ideal by closing them.
Be aware that the year 2010 is the year of your fate.
Take action and solve it by yourself,
or we will solve it for you. We do not hate. We love.
You hate what we love. You destroy what we love.
This is why we must destroy you!
You cannot hide. You cannot escape. We are everywhere.

We are anonymous.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.

Gerry Armstrong Megaraid Post Game Report

on 6:38 PM Kommentare (0)

Hai thar Gerry, it was fun meeting you.

Protest Videos from the Megaraid

on 10:23 PM Kommentare (0)

Here are some of the Megaraid Protest Videos that Anonymous provided.

If you find moar on the tubes, post them in the comments!

Megaraid - The Speeches on Friday December 4th

on 12:28 PM Kommentare (0)

These are the Speeches Gerry Armstrong and Graham Berry did on December 4th in the Altona City Hall.

First the Prelude and our last Vlog before the Megaraid from Thursday December 3rd

Then the Speech of Gerry Armstrong:

and the Speech of Graham Berry

Expect Moar

Megarraid is over, long live the Megaraid

on 2:27 PM Kommentare (0)

The Megaraid is over, but it was a great success, lulz were had

The Workgroup Scientology in Hamburg has contributed a lot to this success, it got
the long term critics Graham Berry and Gerry Armstrong to the Megaraid.

Although the Workgroup does excellent work, the City of Hamburg has decided to cut the budget for the personnel of the Workgroup.
We think that something can be done about it.

Back to the Megaraid

We´ve produced alot of material in those four days, which we will refine and prepare for presentation in the next few days, so expect new posts on this blog although the Megaraid is over.

So expect moar interesting posts!

Ze Megaraid has Begun

on 11:54 AM Kommentare (0)

Finally its the Megaraid Weekend.

The Raid has begun with a Press conference, we keep you up to date on WWP!

here is the Thread ling, lick it!


If you wanna join, conference part is at

Platz der Republik 1
in the Cityhall of Hamburg Altona.

Yes, we got an official building for the raid, how´s that? :-D

Special Guests for the Megaraid Confirmed!

on 9:11 PM Kommentare (0)



* Ursula Caberta
Famous German critic, and Head of the Workgroup Scientology of the Minitry of the Interior of Hamburg.

* Gerry Armstrong

* Graham Berry
you all know him I guess

*not sure, but our guess is, Mister Gandow will also be there.

"How do I Hamburg?" ReiseFührer - Version 3.0

on 9:02 AM Kommentare (0)


• Scientology Org layout
• Hamburger Do(o)m
• gay bars
• vegetarian restaurants
• papercraft Headcrab
• interwebs in Germany
• Warchalking


Previously on Anonymous Hamburg

on 4:09 PM Kommentare (0)

If you don't know what happened during the past month of raiding in Hamburg, here is the right Video for you.

This is a tl;dr video picture compilation of the raids and some after raid activities of this year in Hamburg.

Enjoy, and leave comments.

Megaraid Vlog #6 - Updates

on 3:03 PM Kommentare (0)

New Megaraid Trailer is out!

on 1:16 PM Kommentare (0)

It is getting closer and closer to the Megaraid, and to turn on the heat, here have our new Trailer:

Youtube Desc:
Anonymous Megaraid takes place form 3rd-6th December in Hamburg (Ger)
The International Megaraid in Hamburg is the second of its kind in europe.
After the London Summer Megaraid, this Megaraid will continue the epic story of the Megaraids and XBOX HUEGE Protests against Scientology and moar...
If you´d like to know more check out our Megaraid blog:
Or read the Thread on whyweprotest.net

Rate and leave comments pl0x

HQ Download:

"How do I Hamburg" ReiseFührer - Version 2.0

on 10:13 PM Kommentare (0)


• Geofox.de - Route planner
• Subway map
• Hamburg city map
• tl;dr about the metric system
• the Europlug
• clothing shops in case you loose your suit
• the code of conduct in english, german and hebrew

!!! DOWNLOAD !!!

Hamburg Megaraid Vlog Part 5 - Operation Recollect

on 7:52 PM Kommentare (0)

New Vlog is out Faggots.

This time it is about an Operation we´d like to conduct for the Megaraid.

Operation Recollect.
The goal is to gather all the Anonymous made videos and package them into download libraries,
that will be published, when they have been sorted and labeled, after the Megaraid.
We hope that a lot of Anons show up and bring thier shit with them, or send it to us via our youtube channels so that we can merge it to a XBOX HUEGE collection.

To aviod epic failure like the recent festival of leaks, we have already collected nearly a thousand videos in advance before announcing the Operation.

Here is the Vlog

Megaraid Wallpaper Contest!

on 7:06 PM Kommentare (0)

There are only six week until the Megaraid, so it is time for a Megaraid Wallpaper Contest.

Contribution is easy, create a wallpaper with a resolution of 1600x1200 or 1920x1200 pixel with Anonymous and Megaraid related content and the Megaraid date.
Upload it to an imagehoster or the the German insurgency board on 888chan /ide/.

Post the link to your Wallpaper in the comments of this article.

Here a half-ass example:

We will publish the wallpapers by the end of next week here in our blog, and show the best ones during the Megaraid.

The Megaraid Logo in several versions, as well as the used fonts and Colors can be found here in our Megaraid CI Guide.

Hamburg Megaraid Vlog Part4 - Raid Schedule and Plans

on 1:22 AM Kommentare (0)

Hamburg Megaraid Vlog Part4 - Raid Schedule and Plans

This is what we have so far, if you´d like to know more check out our Megaraid blog:
Or read the Thread on whyweprotest.net

Rate and leave comments pl0x

Hamburg Megaraid Vlog Part3 - Transportation

on 8:45 PM Kommentare (0)

Our topic today Transportation to and in Hamburg.
chack out the thread on WWP for latest news:

or on irc
server: miscavige.whyweprotest.net
channle: #megaraid-hamburg
ssl-port: 6697

Megaraid - All you need to know - Update

on 11:43 PM Kommentare (3)

Hamburg Megaraid 3rd-6th December www.megaraid.tk- Contents:




You, national and international famous and not so famous Critics, as well as some Officials (Friday)


Here, have handy guide to Hamburg as well as the /i/nvasion plan

Download here (real webhoster - not megaupload):

/i/nvasion plans


We have organized a gym from Friday to Sunday.
There you can sleep for free.
You´ll need:
- sleeping bag
- inflatable mattress (or something similar)
- Pillow (optional)

since we wanted to start Thursday 3rd with preraid party and getting to know the city and locations, we will try to provide beds for all who will be there for Thursday among local Anonymous.
if you need a bed for thursday, request on our decentralized network pl0x
(lick the ling below)
Megaraid bed/room /r/ thread - Anonymous Hamburg

If you want your own room, you´ll find recommendations in our City guide

Download here (real webhoster - not megaupload):


We can get you a German Prepaid Simcard for your Cell phone for 10€ if you need one. (initial charge about 3€)
But we need to know it at least 2 weeks in advance, on shorter notice something might fail.


You can do lots, if you want to.

1st: If you want to do something official that needs equipment, or you want to do something on stage, let us know, we´ll arrange it.

We strongly encourage you to do so.

there will be an operator all around the clock, that will try to help you, when you don´t know whats going on, or you´re lost or whatever

one liaison Anon for the operator per cell would be good, if one of your cell gets lost in the city and is looking for the rest, or similar situations...
So if you volunteer for your cell liaison, let us know.
(A-non-non-anon did volunteer for loldon so far)


If you want to produce your own Megaraid Media/t-shirt/ Video etc
We have compiled a CI-Guide, with all used logos, Fonts, colors, do´s and don'ts
to help you doing so.

IF you don´t need/want it, its okay with us, we only provide all sauce for you.

Download here (real webhoster - not megaupload):


You´ll find everything in our Megaraid Blog


We dunno, that's why we missed it, feel free to throw shit at us, and tell me what is missing.


"How do I Hamburg" ReiseFührer - Version 1.0

on 12:48 AM Kommentare (1)

This is the first version of our guide to help you around in Hamburg.
You can download the 13 page PDF here at Megaupload.

It will be continuously filled with helpfull information concerning your stay in Hamburg. Currently it covers the topics on public transportation, hostels and hotels, fastfood and normal restraunts all over Hamburg where you can grab som NOM NOM NOM and a short explanation of our local memes. ^^

Support e-mail for fast help and moar!

on 3:20 PM Kommentare (0)

If you have any speacial demands or query for the Megaraid
in Hamburg, just send a mail to:


CI-guide for Megaraid material

on 10:15 PM Kommentare (1)

It's just 10 more weeks left till the Megaraid and there's still lots to do!

Therefor we want to give everyone the possibility to make their own material for the Megaraid (like flyers, videos and stuff).

To make this easier for Anonymous, we've made a little CI-guide with guidelines for the usage of logos, fonts, colors and so on. :-)

In this package you will find the PDF with the CI guide als PDF, the logos as AI, EPS, PDF and PNG files and the different fonts.
Download at Megaupload

Vlog Episode 2

on 11:23 AM Kommentare (0)

Vlog Episode 1

on 12:04 AM Kommentare (1)

First post and a rough Megaraid plan

on 2:55 PM Kommentare (0)

After the raid loaction vote was closed at Why We Protest and ended to our favor (although Amsterdam Anonymous have the superior party skills), we´ll present our

The main raid will be on December 5th - the day Lisa McPhearson died - to give our Scilon friends something to remember.

But around that date we´d like to come up with a lot of exciting events, like workshops, discussions, speeches, special guests and lots and lots of party.

From our point of view, we´d like to do an Anonymous event that has not only a focus on raiding Scientology, but also on us, lulz, our internet culture, and what we have established.
We´ll try to bring a tiny bit of a conference or convention feeling into this, and we hope it will work out and your ticket to Hamburg will pay off.

We know Anonymous is always low on money, so we will try to provide as much free places to stay with multi-language Anonymous as possible.

And we also know Anonymous has a short span of attention and dislikes long texts, so we will put together a special "How do I Hamburg?" city guide that will provide you with all crucial information you need to survive your mission.
We plan to put everything in there, form where the airports are and how you use public transportation and prices, to where to find the Scilon Org, cheap trap sex, or THE BEST party locations.

Confirmed Highlights
• Ursula Caberta speaking to Anonymous about the recent developements
• Video and photo workshop: How to exciting raid coverage
• RFID workshop: How to read and write them, how to remotely zapp them,
identity-theft and how to aviod it. (Also, for our London Friends and if we have
the time to test it: How to recharge your Oystercard at home for free)
• Best practice apporaches to leaderless cell organizing workshop
• A guided tour through the Reeperbahn, the party and redlight district
• German christmas marked with lots of famous hot wine punch and other clichee stuff
• etc.

Not yet confirmed highlights:
• Build your own E-Meter after genuine Scilon plans workshop
• Live music
• Private club lounge for after raid partys
• Special guests
• theShadow

If you already know you´ll be here and need a place to stay, register at our Ning pl0x. we´ll have a dedicated "I need a bed"(or similar) thread there, for a better overview (and don´t worry, we all speak english, so go ahead posting).

We´ll have most of this indoors, so you won´t freeze your feet off, and even the raid location has a roof and a small shop with warm coffee, as well as christmas market directly around the corner.

Also we are trying to get outdoor gas heaters.